For most families the Holiday Time means family, relaxing and A LOT of eating! Feeling lethargic and cramped can be the result of being around others for longer than usual and not eating your normal foods. It may be cold outside, but that doesn’t mean you can’t heat up your body with some of these super easy and fun activities!
1. Bundle up and go for a winter walk! Take your family, furry friend, or just yourself for a walk around the neighborhood. It’s a great way to get fresh air, move your body, and break up your day.
2. Make an obstacle course for yourself and your family! Use everyday objects like chairs, tables, toys, and pillows to create an obstacle course in your own home. Your kids will love timing each other and seeing who can come up with the most creative rules for the game.
3. Dance! Put on your favorite music and get grooving! Research has shown again and again the benefits that music can have on improving mood and encouraging movement. Invite your family or have a solo dance to relieve stress and shake it out!
4. Clean it up! If dancing isn’t your thing, try putting on music and cleaning your kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and any other living room that needs freshening up. Cleaning offers a sense of accomplishment and if you end up dancing...that’s just a bonus
5. Simon Says is another fun and easy game that you can play with friends and family. It encourages direction following and requires no materials!
Julia Merk, Resident in Social Work